Friday, August 30, 2013

Day 30 - The End and the Beginning

Last day of the blogalong, but NOT the last day of my blog! I'll try to blog on my days off from work and school, whenever the heck THAT happens .Or at odd times I might cobble together something over several days and post it when it's done. But I'm looking back at the last Jewish year and have flagged a bunch of my OWN pictures to show myself (and whoever is reading this) how last year went for me.

About this time last year, I took myself on a staycation to see what I could think about my life when not distracted. (as IF I could BE un-distracted)
When I moved into my former apartment, I used to look up at these towers and call them Mine

                              From my hotel window, I saw this while reading about Healing Spaces
                          And OH how I wanted to live high up and have a view like that!!!
                                    Within less than a month, I had moved into one of those towers and these are now my some of my views
                     (I have 180 degree view from the river on the east and the Capitol on the west)

                                                         Can you spell M A N I F E S T ??

In the past year, I lost an old friend, who I'll remember every day and every Dios de los Muertas,

And I reconnected with my very very oldest friend from when we were 9
Along with Janice from the 70's, Laurie from7th grade, and two girl cousins
I also went through a crisis of appearance when I got sick of dealing with my hair
and ended up looking OLDER!!!
 So I'm growing it out again, letting it curl  and got cooler glasses
                                                                      There! Young again!

There was snow, and a warm place to watch it from
                                                            There was exhaustion
There was feeling more a part of my shul community (I'm in pink and black,  top left)

And community, of course, is the most important of all:
My weekly women's group followed by lunch, my Moonshine group, my Glitterhood blogalong group, my far flung real life Facebook friends, reunited cousins, loving children and still living (and independent, marvelously active) parents, my far flung Facebook friends from places I've worked and online Weightwatchers, and online art courses, and online other groups that have moved to being phone friends, and a small, but growing group of nurses from the various hospitals in town where I've worked. 
And of course....His and Her Highnesses
I love you ALL!

An early Happy New Year
May you have a sweet year and be inscribed in the Book of Life 

1 comment:

  1. What a lovely post Rene! I love how you got your wish of a better view. Your cats kill me with their cuteness. Happy new year to you!
