Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Day 14- What I need to remember

There are things I know and usually act on, but I too often forget. I have to remember what makes me smile and what drains me. Including as much Happy in my life as I can, and avoiding as much Grumpy is the most essential part of self care, so here's a couple short lists from today.

These things make me happy in my daily life:

1) Getting outside when it's 50-70 degrees, no matter how. Even if I'm only walking from the car to the grocery store and back to the car, that breeze on my face always makes me happy. What I keep forgetting is that even at 3AM I have a safe place to get outside and feel that breeze on the roof of the10th floor of my building! The 360 degree view of my city doesn't hurt either!

                                        This is the rooftop zen garden. And here's the firepit.

Never mind the lounge chairs and the hot tub and the outdoor eating area with bar chairs and a place to put my tea....

2) I like NOT driving much on my days off. Aside from grocery shopping, which I try to do as close to my house as possible, I drive only to places I love to be.

3) chocolate in the house, but not too much

4) noticing a bad mental habit and finding that the more I'm aware of it, the less it happens.

I have no pictures of these last three. How does one take a picture of NOT driving, or not too much chocolate, or mental habits?

                              Here are things I don't like and that don't nourish me.

1) News of horrible things I can do nothing about..."the stairs were slick with blood..."  CLICK!

That was one from today. If we already know a government is repressive and murderous, don't give them airtime for their "accomplishments". Things have to be done on an international and sometimes only governmental level, and neither of those are me. When I turned NPR on again, there was a piece about  how a seedsaver resurrected the Cherokee Purple, one of the best of the Heirloom tomatoes. THAT's the kind of news that makes me smile. I buy one every time I see them, and it's all thanks to a seedsaver.

                      Wish I had a picture of one, but I always eat them too fast

2) coming home from grocery shopping with things I didn't mean to buy, but sticking to my list? That goes up in the list of things that make me happy. Like today!

3) 4) 5) etc.....gossip, internet drama in online groups, people who do nothing but complain endlessly

but MOSTLY - broken promises (I'll call you, we'll get together, I'll be there) It's really not the big broken promises that drain me, but the little social ones that disappoint in little teeny moments act like water on stone.

drip drip drip

A little more of my trust in people goes away.  And my heart gets smaller and turns to stone.

                 But then, I see something like this in this random universe and I grin my face off!

Aaaaand I'm back to things I love. So here's the best of all....a day when I can connect with BOTH of my daughters on the same day, by phone or by chat, is a fan-frickety-TASTIC day!

Of course, though they are grown women, here's who I see when I talk to them long distance

                                  By the way, today was one of those fan-frickety-tastic days!


  1. I just love this blog! Reminding me that even though I have a short list of things that don't nourish me...I have a longer list of things that make me happy. And I love the way you came back to those that make you happy...not dwelling on those that don't. Thanks so much for sharing.

    1. It was a good exercise for me to remember to pay more attention to things that nourish me, and quietly delete the things that don't.

  2. What a wonderful post. Thanks so much

    1. Oh thank you! I put so much pressure on myself to FILL my posts with pictures that I make myself feel guilty if I can't illustrate everything I say. Or make it all FUNNY.

      I push myself to be so dang funny all the time. I'm glad you like this side of my blogging too.

  3. Smiling contentedly having read your post. What a *lovely* place on top of your building!! And, your girls are so sweet . . . :)

    1. I love this picture of them, and though they are in their mid and late 20's, I still see them like this when i think of them

  4. Yay for feasting on the Happy and fasting on the Grumpy. The zen garden looks so lovely - and I bet it's a wonderful place to hang out and magnify the good vibes.

  5. LOVE LOVE LOVE your post! What Precious Daughters! You explain things so easily! and it made me start thinking about what I like and don't like! Thanks for Posting Today!
