Thursday, August 29, 2013

Day 29 - Spiralling back again

Yes! Another CLOCK! This one really shows Jewish time really well. Hopi time too, for that matter, since that spirals too. Or maybe even Female time, since women's lives go in spirals all the time. Round and round we go and we end up in the same place.

                                                  Often the mirror. Judging ourselves.
                                                             It starts very young

But that's not what this is about. This is about the power of music. Which starts very young too.
                                 Long before words as my Pied Piper cousin will tell you.
                              Music and getting kids excited about music is her life's work.

This time of year is when I feel completely boxed in by all the choices I made or didn't make in the past year. I see no way out. I look back and beat myself up. It's worse than staring in a mirror. At least, with the mirror, I could walk away from it. But I feel so trapped by ALL my life's choices sometimes.

Fortunately, being Jewish means a do-over every fall, ushered in by the sweet taste of honey .
And apples, of course. The perfect fall fruit, especially up here in apple country.

So now it has returned: The tail end of the previous year and I feel like a horse's patoot. Again.

We're ALSO, simultaneously by some kind of Jewish calendar music, the HEAD of the year. 
TA DA !!!

It is also the time when a Certain Bookstore puts up this end cap. Every freaking year! Their corporate office dictates that the stores put up books they feel are appropriate, including ... well...enlarge it and see what book looks out of place. To a Jew. 

Grumble grumble. 

One thing really calms me down this time of year. 

Music, even with words, still hits me on a wordless level. Right in the kishkes. A young boy played violin tonight in rehearsal and when he played those high, sweet notes I couldn't even sing. Those notes vibrated all through me and rendered me speechless. And healed me. And reminded me that this is the time of year that all can be forgiven, all promises are believed, and we all start the new year all fresh and clean. 

Yes, it's a time of self-reflection for all of us

 But after a bit of looking deeply into our soul, we can set off into the world again and have confidence that we can dance or fly. 
Our choice

It all starts over this Thursday. Enjoy your path! 
It may not be straight, but no matter what bends and turns and swirls, just know it's YOUR path. 
and you're doing just fine


  1. Wonderful post. Thanks so much for sharing

    1. I'm glad you like it. I know we're on superficially different spiritual paths and I'm always happy when what I write speaks to people who aren't Jewish.

  2. You mean you don't want the New Testament? Silly girl. Conform or at least make your religion more Christian. <<<<< this is 20000% sarcasm.
    You're wonderful and I thoroughly enjoy your blog!

    1. Ha ha ha ha ha! "The Jewish New Testament" no less. Makes me nuts every year.

      Another bookstore puts white and blue Xmaas trees on their Hannukah display table. They get the colors right the rest is SO wrong!

      How about a nice Ramadan fast celebrated with Easter eggs! LOL

  3. Woah! That path at the end is amazing! I have path envy. Beautifully written post.

    1. I have envy too, and if I had a yard, I'd do my best to recreate that path!

      I'm glad you enjoyed the post. This time of year does something to me!
