Friday, August 23, 2013

Day 23- Switching Gears

It's a Transition Day for me, which means I worked last night and was off today. Whatever "night" and "day" mean....

                                               Is this a moon or a sun? I'm so confused!

It was also Friday, and I know what that means! A lovely morning spent with women and then lunch outside, sitting in the shade on a lovely day before it gets too hot. The discussion wasn't exactly fodder for a Sex in the City show, but it made me happy.

                           Socializing! WHEEEE! A rarity for those of us who live like moles.

                         So by the time lunch was over, I had been awake fergits.
                                                      This is what clocks look like to me

I had to get up early for choir practice and WHEEEEE! More time spent with people outside of work with the added bonus of gorgeous music that feels so good to sing. Some old musical friends and some that looked strange at first, but are so much fun to sing. I started with the men doing some weird dunga dunga deen thingy. I could've gotten up to get the music and see what the real words are the men are singing, but my music is still in my car.

                                    Along with a lot of stuff that makes my car look like this

I have lots of scavenged stuff like lamps, an ugly poster with a frame I can use, and a muffin tin. OH! And a very very heavy wooden cabinet that's painted turquoise and orange that has been there since I found it and used it for increasing my traction during the Spring Snows. I either need to get it out of my car now that it's 95 degrees, or just leave it there for the snow that never quite seems far away up here in the frozen north.


I can't figure out how to shoehorn it into my overstuffed apartment. you really think I'm going to show you what my place REALLY looks like?

                                             NOT to worry, my Shaman comes tomorrow!


I can't figure out where to even start, but school starts next month and I need a place to study and do whatever it is that grad school calls "homework." I have a giant table that is piled higher and deeper, so I already have a PhD in clutter, but I dare not move the pile ANYwhere lest I create a tower o'stuff higher than my head that will wait until I have some BRILLIANT insight that will lead to a whole new career......and then it will EAT ME!

Yes! A new career at my age. Because there's no way to prevent getting older and eventually getting off this ride on the spinning planet, but I dont' have to do it the same old way I've been doing it since I accidentally backed into my profession.

Do not get me wrong. I feel lucky as hell that I backed into something that puts bread and peanut butter on my table and the occasional steak. I just think it's time for a change, and I hope to use all my talents, including my newfound artistic streak.

                                   My new adventure starts tomorrow at orientation.

                                              Should I bring an apple for my teacher?
                                                           If so, which kind?
                                               Up here, there are too many choices.

             Kind of like Life, and for a change, I'm not backing into anything. I'm making a CHOICE

                  I'm ready! Hands ready to catch my future. What will this new tomorrow bring?



  1. Sorry I've been away for a few days Rene - life has been super busy! I LOVE your post!!! You always make me laugh, and I wish you all the best with your studies - yeayyy for you!!!

    1. Thanks! My blogs don't seem to be the same kind of blog from day to day, but I do so writing to see where I end up, and then searching for photos to illustrate it. SOME of these are mine...I broke my self imposed rule.

      I'm so excited about being in school again!

  2. Definitely an apple. Good luck. Love your spunk.

  3. or maybe a good cup of coffee for the prof? Good luck to you! (I just headed back to college finish a bachelors degree I started 32 years ago!)

  4. Your apartment sounds like a treasure trove! Is that really your car? if so how COOL! I feel like a kid in a candy store when I see a bunch of stuff I think I can "artfully" use or change! Loved how you Illustrated your writing with pictures, so cute!
